
Greenlyte secures multi-million Euro funding to reach commercial inflection point by building its FOAK 1 facility

DAC-2-E-Methane: Realizing Carbon Capture Utilization for Energy Storage & Transportation

‍Essen/Duisburg/Aachen, 25.06.2024. Greenlyte Carbon Technologies, the Institute of Energy and Environmental Process Engineering (LEE) of University of Duisburg-Essen, the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center (ZBT) and the Chair of Technical Thermodynamics (LTT) of RWTH Aachen University have joined forces to research the coupling of a Direct Air Capture (DAC) plant with a catalytic methane synthesis. The project will showcase a carbon capture utilization case in the heart of the industrial Ruhr area and is co-funded by the European Union and the state of NRW as part of the EFRE "Energie.IN.NRW" innovation competition.

Timeline: Q2 2024 - Q2 2027

Greenlyte secures multi-million Euro funding to reach commercial inflection point by building its FOAK 1 facility

Government state funding accelerates Greenlyte’s mission to scale liquid renewable energy

Essen, 04.03.2025 – Greenlyte Carbon Technologies has been recommended for a multi-million Euro grant funding through the “Produktives.NRW” program, co-financed by the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and the European Union. This grant will support the development of DAC-2-e-Methanol, a FOAK (first-of-a-kind) Direct Air Capture (DAC) to eMethanol facility at the chemical park in Marl, marking a significant milestone in Greenlyte's journey to scale liquid renewable energy. 

The DAC-2-e-Methanol plant will integrate Greenlyte's proprietary DAC and hydrogen technology with methanol synthesis in a meaningful scale and modular design. Once operational, the facility will serve as a proof point for Greenlyte’s superior economics at scale, paving the way for full commercial deployment. With a production capacity of up to 1,000 tons of eMethanol, the plant represents a significant scale within the sector, setting a new benchmark for DAC-to-e-Methanol integration.

A key pillar of the project is Greenlyte’s cooperation with the chemical park Marl, who will provide about 3,000 square metres of area and infrastructure support.

“Our mission at Greenlyte is to transform CO₂ from a liability into a valuable resource - making sustainable liquid renewable energy accessible and economically viable,” says Florian Hildebrand, CEO of Greenlyte. “This funding enables us to accelerate the industrialization of our technology and move towards commercial deployment. Being founded in NRW, it’s incredible to drive these global innovations from the heart of industrial Germany. Climate tech made in Germany has the potential to become the backbone of our future industry and national prosperity. Cooperating with the chemical park is a significant milestone in scaling our DAC technology, strengthening our foundation with industry-leading support.”

“The production facility of Greenlyte is a welcome further step for the chemical park Marl in expanding its hydrogen hub,” says Thomas Basten, head of the Evonik site. 

Other key partners and offtakers include Flughafen Düsseldorf, AMR, Klöckner & Co, IFM, H2UB, EWG and Third Derivative and World Economic Forum / Uplink, with Mabanaft as a potential partner.

About Greenlyte Carbon Technologies

In order to enter the energy abundance age, humanity needs to be able to tap into the endless power potential of the sun. Greenlyte’s Direct-Air-Capture (DAC) technology enables the production of cheap liquid renewable energy by extracting CO₂ directly from the air, co-producing green hydrogen and converting it to e-crude from the air. Founded in September 2022, Greenlyte has raised over $26 million, employs 50+ people, and launched its first commercial projects. Looking ahead, the company plans to grow its capturing capacity to 0.1 GT of CO₂ p.a. by 2050. 


Britt Knautz
Greenlyte Carbon Technologies

DAC-2-E-Methane Partner Line-up

NRW energy4climate
Zukunft Gas Affiliate
H2Hub Affiliate
ZBT Consortium
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