Greenlyte and Cella partner up for carbon sequestration in Kenya
DAC-2-E-Methane: Realizing Carbon Capture Utilization for Energy Storage & Transportation
Essen/Duisburg/Aachen, 25.06.2024. Greenlyte Carbon Technologies, the Institute of Energy and Environmental Process Engineering (LEE) of University of Duisburg-Essen, the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center (ZBT) and the Chair of Technical Thermodynamics (LTT) of RWTH Aachen University have joined forces to research the coupling of a Direct Air Capture (DAC) plant with a catalytic methane synthesis. The project will showcase a carbon capture utilization case in the heart of the industrial Ruhr area and is co-funded by the European Union and the state of NRW as part of the EFRE "Energie.IN.NRW" innovation competition.
Timeline: Q2 2024 - Q2 2027
Essen, 15/01/2024. Today we’re thrilled to announce a partnership with US-based carbon storage company Cella. Cella’s technology injects captured atmospheric CO2 into volcanic rocks, where mineralization permanently locks it underground to create negative emissions.Under our agreement, we will be delivering and installing a DAC Unit at Cella’s Kenya demo project, with initial testing to start later this year with the first tons in CO2 bottles.